Realistic and artful planning and strategies are the true competitive edge. But what passes for strategy, is often a rehash of what was done before that may no longer be working. The W-BDS approach to Strategic/Market Planning blends intelligent, practice and creative approaches based on successful methods from other market situations with what is being seen, heard and done in the field today. Blending both the objectivity of an outside view with the intimate knowledge of the markets W-BDS serves, means creation of actionable, risk-controlled overall strategic operational and marketing plans that can and will save time, money and careers.
A critical function to provide includes creating/testing/deploying various scenarios as risk management functions. This “phase gate” Business Development Model lowers risk and increases chances for any type of market or operational strategy to succeed. Under this approach, W-BDS offers:
•Market-indicated business planning
•"Big" picture mapping •Integrated financial-market interactions (shows high and low potentials and how each can be optimized)
• Critical launch interfaces that ensure plan elements are not lost in the translation from planning to doing