Whitacre Associates Inc.

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Executive-Level Sales & Marketing Expertise...At A Part Time Cost

Whitacre Business Development Specialists (W-BDS) is a highly targeted sales/marketing team. Experience includes working with global companies in various markets, national sales and service organizations. This provides you with "C Level" sales and marketing tools and relationships to give one focus of increasing sales efficiency and results fast. W-BDS acts as true partners, with minimal up front fees, sharing the bulk of the rewards only after profit increases. The bottom line: Fast and efficent business development with the lowest possible level of risk.

W-BDS grows sales and creates opportunities through our own market-tested, integrated "Business Success Model." The flexible approach leverages existing assets and quickly forges new high level relationships based on mutual exchange. And the W-BDS Sales Partner Network is just a phone call away.

You can judge our value-added services by examining each phase of our process to ensure it meets your expectations before continuing. (See W-BDS Business Success Model chart below. Click on thumbnail of chart.) This process is gated, with specific deliverables that must be examined and approved before continuing. These critical information thresholds allow and enable you as an owner or President to decide when and if the continuation of the process will result in sufficient return on investment to continue. Often, this process saves countless hours and dollars by quickly identifiying areas which have little or no potential value.  It also often quickly validates areas with the most promise. A win-win for all.

W-BDS Business Success Model



(Please click on drawing to enlarge)

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